Allright, we’re almost ready for online sales, so we’ve updated our site. We hope you’ll like it. It should be more user friendly. Coincidentally, we got our first website inquiry today too. Although the shopping cart is not yet functioning, if you would like to make an order, select “Check” as your payment method and we will contact you to give you payment instructions. Otherwise, if there is something specific that you want that you do not see, please feel free to reach out.
Category: Uncategorized
Not April Fools
NOCO6 was awesome! I’ve said it before, but I’ll say it again “2019 is going to be a great year!” We made several new connections at the show, including geneticists, farmers from Oregon and Nevada, and processors from all over the country. We are looking forward to turning to the next pages in our book this summer too.
We have added several stores that we haven’t mentioned anywhere yet. I want to get better with social media, but to do that I probably need to hand off my website or my accounting or sales or something or just get even better at time management. We’ll see.
Please reach out if you would like to collaborate or just have questions about how you can get involved with hemp generally.
CBD business
Well, it’s interesting how things change. Again, in an attempt to respond to local demand, we are branching out to offer some CBD tinctures and topicals and a few accessories. We are glad to include products from the Merry Hempsters, SeshGear, Green Remedy, and Blue Ridge Hemp, and we will continue to add products. We will be working to update our online Shop as soon as possible, but as usual, if you have any special requests, please contact us.
Next up, NOCO Hemp Expo March 29 and 30 in Denver!